Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Renaissance And Realism Of Arts Essay - 2282 Words
FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS, METHODS, MODES IN THE HUMANITIES Two arts periods: Renaissance and Realism of Arts Introduction Jacob Burckhardt was an Italian historian who had developed the notion of the Renaissance, which meant ‘Rebirth’. It united the Greco-Roman civilization during the ancient times marking the beginning of a completely new era between 1350C.E. and 1550C.E. The Renaissance resulted in the birth of modern society concerned with the revival of antiquity and exaggerated secularism without identifying the depth of religious sentiments. The Middle Ages as well as the Renaissance were considered as a different era demonstrating Classical European history that spread into Europe with passing time. The Middle Ages represented the darkened era of diplomacy. During the Middle Ages, barbarian tribes dominated Europe. The collapse of the 5th century Roman Empire resulted in the commencement of the Middle Ages referred to as the ‘Dark Age’. It was named so as it comprised of unending warfare and lack of urban life with hardly any emphasis on the Holy Roman Emperor. The Middl e Ages came before the Renaissance period reflecting the fall of the Romans and advent of the Europeans. (EARLY PERIODS OF LITERATURE, (1200 BCE -455 CE). The Middle Ages had a social idea focusing on the interest of the common man in Heaven, God, law, medicine and the saints. The evolution of the Renaissance resulted in a paradigm shift which forced individuals to consider their dailyShow MoreRelatedHumanism in European Renaisaance1013 Words  | 5 Pages The European Renaissance was a time of great change. The people of that time were beginning to take an interest in learning and also began to follow the idea of humanism. Humanism was a way of life where a person would reject most religious beliefs and focus on the here and now. One of the main things Humanist believed in was individual achievement. 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