Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Existing Career Theories Do Not Account for Modern Career...
Existing career theories do not account for modern career path. Discuss two career theories with reference to both research and your own experience. This article aims to touch the broad, and ever developing discussion of post modern theories and their application today. The main focus will fall on Hollands theory of vocational personalities in work environment and the Edgar Scheines notion of career anchors and how both theories fit within the modern career paths. Holland has proposed six different vocational personality types. Any person resembles each of the six types to varying degree. HIs theory of occupational choice maintains that in choosing a career, people prefer jobs where they can be around others who are like†¦show more content†¦What is outlined above shows how far we went apart from the understanding of traditional careers. All those factors are making it harder for the traditional theories to find an accurate application today. As already mentioned existing career theories dealing with vocational personality and environment Holland (1976) and Scheine’s anchors (1978) have been well respected and very adequate for many years.Those theories were helping many people to form and succeed in their career paths. What Holland suggests in his theory is that persons and environments can be framed within six types (realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional). Individuals are searching for a certain environments that will allow them to implement the characteristics of their work personality and their behaviour is determined by an interaction between personality and environment. The occupation of a certain individual is based solely on the work environment and their personality type.(Swanson,2000) Holland theory is a perfect tool for young individuals to get information and orientation in the work world in a very interesting and engaging way. Also describes and gives knowledge of the different work environments. However Holland theory seems to demonstrate a few limitations. The theory fails toShow MoreRelatedExplain the Concept of Career in the Context of Career Development Perspective. Discuss Various Individuals and Organisational Strategies for Career Development4014 Words  | 17 PagesTRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 20TH BATCH TAKE HOME EXAMINATION QUESTION 1: Explain the Concept of Career in the Context of Career Development Perspective. Discuss Various Individuals and Organisational Strategies for Career Development Career development represents the entire sequence of activities and events related to an individual’s career (1). It involves managing ones career either within or between organizations (2). It also refers to the lifelong process of getting ready to choose, choosingRead MoreFunctions Responsibilities of Hr Admin Department of Rcl8779 Words  | 36 PagesChapter: 1 Introduction 1. 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