Thursday, September 3, 2020
Women in Bollywood
Film is some way or another a portrayal of reality. The motion pictures delivered mirror a nation’s culture and the exchange of its residents inside the general public. Such transaction is the job of a man and a lady in India. Film in India is the biggest gainful film industry on the planet. Known as Bollywood, Indians can make films which depict the Indian’s lifestyle, advance their feeling of personality, and their patriotism. By seeing Indian movies, one can have the general thought of the Indian culture. Ladies, specifically, are obviously depicted in Bollywood.There are thoughts of what a ‘good’ and a ‘bad’ lady is. The activities of ladies delineated in the movies likewise make standards on how ladies are put in the general public. Much the same as movies from different nations, Bollywood have for the most part anticipated ladies in a normalize character (Mishra, 2002, p. xix). Despite the fact that the Indian culture advances as per curr ent occasions, ladies portrayal in films by one way or another has been encapsulated inside the standards. Two of the smash hit Hindi motion pictures that positively shaped Bollywood Cinema have ladies as the fundamental character.Mother India (1957) and Hum Aapke Hain Kaun (1994), both are striking works in the Indian film industry. The previous being a sensational film and the last mentioned, a lighthearted comedy joined with melodic. These two movies introduced ladies who are limited by the customs of the general public and how they responded to it. Both of the movies related to the idea of India’s perfect lady. As courageous women from the two motion pictures rotated around various condition and time span, they were portrayed as the ladies shaped into the conventions of Indian culture. These customs lead to the films’ portrayal of India’s nationalism.As what Thomas referenced in her article (1989) about India’s battle for opportunity as movies: Since it originally rose with regards to pioneer India’s battle for autonomy, Indian film, for various reasons, has been worried about building an idea of Indian social and national personality. This has included drawing on ideas, for example, â€Å"traditions†. (p. 11) Mother India is a film that has a heavier plot than that of the Hum Aapke Hain Kaun. Radha, the female hero confronted a great deal of good and social battles as the story progress.Her individual job as a mother clashed with her open duty as a lady. As a young lady who wedded the man she adores, she was typified in the loyal job of a spouse. Radha satisfied the customary spouse obligations as her husband’s partner and aide at work. Radha is one of the most powerful characters in Bollywood. Her adjustment in mentalities over the span of the film was fundamental as sensational circumstances happened in her story. The progressions that occurred in Radha’s character are two inverse characters of a w oman.From the timid, recently wedded young lady she changed into a self-subordinate single parent who endeavored to maintain the respect of her youngsters and their way of life. Her marriage with Shamu made her a submitted and dedicated spouse to him. She is consistently next to him particularly when working. Be that as it may, as catastrophe followed Shamu getting disabled came about into his choice to leave his family, Radha’s job as a mother must be underscored. Her bashfulness transformed into a solid, fearless lady who fabricated her family inside honorable good grounds.With this sort of dynamism, Radha was portrayed as an influential lady. The character of an engaged and autonomous lady was uncommon in Indian film at the time Mother India was discharged. This sort of depiction carried Radha with goddess-like highlights due to suffering so much battles and conquering tribulations. Radha was one of only a handful barely any anecdotal female characters delineated in a chiv alrous way. The progression of Radha’s story is very comparable with the goddess Sita. Radha who persevered through the difficult work along with her better half simply like what Sita did when she surrendered extravagance to join her significant other in exile.Both of them persevered through the difficulties of bringing up their youngsters alone. In spite of the fact that them two may have been depicted as fragile and tentative, they radiate quality particularly in the most testing part of their lives. The dependability and celibacy of the goddess can be seen on the scene where Radha rejected Sukhilal’s offer of marriage. Maintaining her modesty implied keeping up the respect of their family in spite of their circumstance of destitution. Radha consistently reminded her children to carry on with an actual existence inside good standards and to fill in as productive members of society of their village.The celibacy was for her as well as for her family’s name. Her children turned into the expansion of keeping up that virtue in spite of their conflict throughout everyday life. Another goddess related with Radha is the goddess Kali. The goddess is portrayed as the â€Å"fierce, energetic goddess of both life and destruction†(Thorner, Raj and Trust, 2000, p. 97). The savagery of the goddess can be seen when Radha forcefully declined Sukhilal’s enticement and nearly caused destruction inside his home. The quality of Kali’s devastation can be distinguished in the occasion when Radha shot her most loved son.There was a battle inside Radha to be a decent mother or to be an honest resident. Birju neglected to maintain what his mom have imparted to them and along these lines, Radha chose to take his life to keep up the respect of the family. The relationship of Radha with Kali has been additionally supported by Rosie Thomas. Concentrating on the encounters of men closer to Radha, Thomas showed Radha’s goddess highlight of discipline. Her delineation on the film holding substantial hatchet and scoop that she utilizes for ranch work depicted her as a resilient lady that is fit for rebuffing if things doesn't go right (Thomas, 1989, p.17). The minor relationship of men with Radha made the men on the film be fairly obliterated. Thomas portrayed this annihilation as an ascribe to Radha being contrasted with Kali: She slaughters her preferred child; her better half loses the two arms (and verifiably his manliness)†¦the abhorrent Sukhilal end up shrouded in cotton lighten, cringing like a mischievous baby as she beats him with a major stick†¦Thus, she is both venerator of men and worshiped by them as devi (goddess) and maa (mother), and she is, thusly, needing men’s assurance and a defender and destroyer of men. (p.16) The character of Radha can be an incredible opposite for the delineation of Nisha in Hum Aapke Hain Kaun. This is a lighthearted comedy family-arranged film. On the off chanc e that Mother India for the most part depicted the job of the lady in a general public, Hum Aapke Hain Kaun indicated women’s place inside the structure of the family. Indian conventions are obviously stressed on the film particularly in the commitment and wedding services (Hirji, 2005). In spite of the fact that the plot in the film comprises of light show, the basic job of the ladies in a run of the mill Indian family implies how ladies are in genuine life.The ladies in this film are limited by family conventions which implied that each choice in the family should originate from the male individual from the family. The game plan that was made between Mr. Kailashnath and Mr. Siddharth for Pooja and Rajesh’s wedding made it clear. This scene demonstrated that family choices should run and the standard comes for the most part from the male individuals. Ladies in Hum Aapke Hain Kaun are depicted as devoted and loyal. Nisha, the more youthful sister of Pooja, is the lady who is given spotlight on the film. She is depicted in the film as a fun loving prankster and sprightly woman.As each lady in India, she is profoundly appended with her family and it is found in her relationship with her sister whom she’s nearest with. In the long run, Nisha’s relationship with Prem will be significantly influenced by her relationship with her family. Like Radha, Nisha encountered a change inside her character. Despite the fact that Radha is more intricate, Nisha’s progress can be seen from being a cheerful young lady to a lady that needs to satisfy her family’s customs. This is increasingly clear when Prem and Nisha relinquished their affection with the goal that she could wed Prem’s sibling after Pooja’s death.The lady apparently gives up her own desires and wants to stand her obligations in her family. This part of ladies in Indian culture furnished likenesses with the goddess that was contrasted and Mother India. Beside being faithful and maintaining her purity, the goddess Sita is a dedicated and obedient lady to her children and to her better half. This element is clear on the simple acknowledgment of Pooja with the course of action of marriage with Rajesh. The marriage was masterminded by two of the most elevated male specialists of the two families and the film depicted that the choice to wed was a last thing to do.Shedding off whatever fascination that may have happened when they were presented, a complaint for the marriage from either Pooja or Rajesh didn't exist for their dads. Then again, Nisha †in spite of her affections for Prem †chose to wed Rajesh for her nephew and her dead sister. In spite of the fact that it was without wanting to, she chose to take the course of being hitched to her brother by marriage. This occasion, as a major aspect of her change, demonstrated Nisha turning into a perfect lady who relinquished and complied with her family.Like the goddess Sita who permi tted Rama to oust her, Nisha consented to her family’s demand regardless of whether it involved to surrender her adoration for Prem. This film demonstrated the Indian conventions seeing Nisha as a champion who â€Å"would never put her own fantasies in front of the yearnings and wants of her family or men†(Ghose, 2006, p. 5). The moderate lady who thinks of her as self as a subsequent need is the thing that intrigue as a perfect lady. Nisha is a decent lady with a liberal heart that can be contrasted with the devoted goddess Sita who is the encapsulation of how Indian ladies are raised.On the opposite, the inverse
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Lost in translation - Emphasis
Lost in interpretation Lost in interpretation Its astounding what number of smart thoughts are lost in interpretation not starting with one language then onto the next, yet from the cerebrum to the printed page. One explanation could be that its so enticing, when you abruptly find that youre incapable to get your thought down on paper viably, to toss more words at the issue. However the arrangement is frequently to do a remarkable inverse, and keep it basic. Take an ongoing Department of Health direction record, which ought to have been given with its own wellbeing cautioning: The point of this asset pack is to assist associations with advancing and execute the utilization of a HR Leadership Qualities Framework that portrays those practices which upgrade NHS HR limit and capacity to improve the patient experience. Why confuse matters? Have a go at utilizing: This pack will assist you with advancing and present a HR authority characteristics system. Thus, this will help improve the administration we give patients. At that point theres this model from an ongoing greeting to delicate (particulars changed to secure the blameworthy): Depiction/goal of the agreement: To give proof on the degree to which north west associations requirements for upgraded and altered abilities and information among their current grown-up representatives are being met. This depiction isn't abnormally awful. It might even sound good to you. Be that as it may, its amazingly far-fetched that the creator would have depicted their target this way if youd requested that they clarify it over some espresso. Rather, they may have said something like: We need to find how far workers of organizations in the north west have improved their aptitudes and information. However something halted them utilizing clear, straightforward language when they began composing. They overlooked that their peruser is not any more prone to appreciate perusing thick, bloated records than they are. Maybe individuals feel they need to dazzle others with their language and utilization of corporate language. They overlook the way that expert individuals today essentially don't have the opportunity to unravel poor records. So you should be proficient to ensure your message doesnt become mixed up in a pile of different reports, letters and messages. Wasteful composing squanders a large number of pounds each year and reports are frequently four or multiple times longer than they should be. These reports take any longer to peruse than they ought to have to that is, if individuals read them by any means. Thus, your smart thoughts may go to squander. Here are three hints to assist you with your composition: Explain your key message before you start, by composing a short three-sentence proclamation to summarize the issues you need to cover. Plan your record too before you compose it. Never utilize the creative cycle to work out what you think. You may be more clear when you arrive at the finish of the report, yet your peruser is bound to be befuddled. Rather, separate the deduction procedure from the composition, and do the reasoning first. Dont be hesitant to utilize short, punchy words, and to be less verbose. It doesnt imply that you are stupefying. Its fine to utilize language as long as youre sure that your peruser will get it. Yet, you can in any case utilize plain language between the language. Colorful language just makes for overwhelming perusing. Why state, Were right now associated with the execution of something, when you can simply say Were actualizing it?
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Moral Decline in America free essay sample
Ethics its an obvious fact that the United States is on a spiraling good decrease. The general ethics of the individuals have been changing consistently since the start of human advancement. America, which was established on a profound premise, has been walking out on the ethics this very country was built up upon. The United States has now become a spot in which TV, web, papers, and media as a rule shout moral decay, just as a spot where parental control has dwindled away to almost no type of order by any stretch of the imagination. The truth of the matter is: America’s ethics are declining. Motion pictures and TV are an undeniable piece of regular American life; anyway with such a propensity for watching the screen, one’s brain has the ability to be affected and their profound quality to be addressed. It has been perceived that the normal American kid goes through at any rate 28 hours per week, either watching T. We will compose a custom article test on Moral Decline in America or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page V. , riding the web, and so forth. â€Å"The normal American will likewise witness around 20,000 reproduced passings in the course of their life. Viciousness has been glamorized to such an extent that it very well may be found wherever in media†(Parents). While this information ought to be stunning, it is actually nothing unexpected this is the sort of media one’s psyche is being presented to. Due to the ethical decrease occurring in the United States, most any kid would not see broadcast vicious demise as anything unusual while decades prior such brutality could never be presented to the youthful psyche, or any brain so far as that is concerned. America appears to forfeit its perspectives and others ethics for the addition of the cash made by these motion pictures and T. V. appears. Film appraisals have as of late been seen by a significant part of people in general as slanted.
Words as Words
Words as Words Words as Words Words as Words By Mark Nichol Utilizing italics and quotes to underline words and expressions is a helpful procedure, however for lucidity, such organizing ought to be utilized uniquely in the way portrayed in this post. Italics assist perusers with understanding that a word is being introduced as the name for an idea and not as an idea itself, similarly as when one emphasizes a letter when one composes â€Å"the letter a†or â€Å"It resembles a z to me.†For instance, note the distinction in the utilization of the watchword in these sentences: Government is a type of government headed by a ruler or sovereign. Government is characterized as â€Å"a type of government headed by a lord or queen.†The primary sentence starts by utilizing a word to recognize a type of government-an idea. The subsequent sentence characterizes the word; it is utilized to allude not to the idea of the type of government yet to the lexical mark for the type of government: â€Å"One type of government is monarchy,†yet â€Å"The word is monarchy.†Note that the subsequent sentence doesn't have to indicate the word-as-a-word status of government (â€Å"The word government is characterized as . . . .†), similarly as I don’t need to do as such in the sentence you are perusing at the present time, yet in some cases, as in the last sentence in the past section, an expression, for example, â€Å"the word†happens normally. Here’s another model where a word’s status as a word is unequivocal: â€Å"I imagine that the word you are searching for is irony.†And here are two models that point out the qualification between a word depicting an idea and a word utilized as a word: â€Å"Such a word is known as a misnomer,†yet â€Å"The word for this is misnomer.†Imagine a scenario in which the term comprises of more than single word. The editor’s want for request and consistency bolsters stress, yet encase states as expressions in quotes. (Says the syntax cop, â€Å"I don’t make up the guidelines, ma’am-I simply implement them.†) For instance, one would compose, â€Å"The state being referred to is ‘plausible denial.’†(Use twofold quotes for an expression as an expression, for example, â€Å"plausible denial†; I utilized single quotes in the model since they show up inside a citation that utilizations twofold quotes.) Note the differentiation between state as mark for idea and expression as expression in these models: â€Å"Such office settings came to be called 3D shape farms,†however â€Å"Someone thought of the expression ‘cube farm.’†Likewise, in course readings and instructional manuals, words and expressions are frequently emphasized when the ideas they speak to are presented, regardless of whether they are not being distinguished as words as words. (Once in a while, they are designed in boldface, yet typically this accentuation shows that these terms are presented as new jargon and characterized in a glossary.) In such cases, the accentuation is given in the primary reference just; all resulting employments of the term are not stressed. A few models wherein words may be stressed in an instructive setting (however conventionally need no accentuation) follow: â€Å"In general, this idea is called logical inconsistency or paradox.†â€Å"This is a case of an idiom.†â€Å"Distinguish between the ideas of wellness and adjustment in evolution.†Two key special cases in the utilization of italics for accentuation are composing formal people, places or things (for instance, â€Å"The second p in PayPal is likewise capitalized†)- however emphasizing formal people, places or things may improve clearness and passing on discourse (â€Å"Many individuals state ‘myself’ when they should state ‘me’†); conveying what one may compose is to a greater extent a hazy area, yet in these posts, I stress in such cases (â€Å"Insert that into the sentence†). Italics are utilized for different types of accentuation: For instance, remote words (and expressions) are stressed to underline their outcast status. (Be that as it may, numerous such terms have been received into English, so check a word reference before organizing a remote appearing word or expression; on the off chance that it has a passage, it is viewed as an English expression and ought not be underlined.) Again, as on account of presented ideas and jargon, stress such terms on first reference just (except if only a couple of cases are dissipated all through a long bit of substance; utilize your judgment in such cases). Italics are likewise utilized to flag an accentuation that would not in any case be imparted. For instance, in the sentence â€Å"It was him!†the default accentuation is on him, passing on that the focal point of the sentence is on the personality of an individual. However, â€Å"It was him!†shifts the accentuation to the action word, imparting that one’s prior doubt has been affirmed. Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the General classification, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:What is the Difference Between These and Those?Confused With and Confounded About20 Classic Novels You Can Read in One Sitting
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Scarlet Letter: My Experience Essay -- Literary Analysis, Nathani
As an offspring of the time of hyper-data, I am typically acquainted with ideas in their rawest conceivable structure. Ideas that are smoothed out with the goal that they may float their path exquisitely into my understanding like the 2001: A Space Odyssey association of transport and station, sponsored by strains of the lilting Blue Danube [1]. Processing Nathaniel Hawthorne’s ultra-thick Scarlet Letter, thusly, felt all the more appropriately contrasted with a Surgeon’s recovery of his Rolex from the open chest depression of a disastrous patient, maybe to a score of beating, quick, multi-layered elaborate fugues. Indeed, the thoughts and associations were there, and they were intriguing and organized perfectly. In any case, I regularly discovered my head throbbing as I toiled through the hills of colorful language and dated grammar they were covered so profoundly under, and frequently wound up making gauges regarding the quantity of Word-A-Day schedules Hawthorne more likely than not possessed [2]. It’s appalling however, truly, in light of the fact that it isn't Hawthorne’s issue that his novel has become the most despicable aspect of such huge numbers of secondary school English students’ presence. The occasions have a-chang’d, and alongside them abilities to focus have diminished, and numerous frameworks for data extraction and buildup have been created to oblige them. Similarly as a specialist introduced the alternative of recovering his lost wristwatch from either, An) a pivoted gem box, or B), the innards of a living person would in all probability check the container stamped â€Å"A†with much fervor and less rumination, an understudy with the choice to bypass the agony of really perusing Hawthorn’s gem, picking rather to get the ideas from the novel as simple to-process Sparknotes goodies, would almost certainly do so [3]. The topic of the novel has al... ...f needs [12] and my capacity to follow up on it and suffer far lesser outcomes. Yet, the abuse is still there. In any case, the positives stay also. The productive idea of the American school framework can be ascribed in huge part to the Puritan’s estimation of information and instruction. Perusing The Scarlet Letter was a trudge. Be that as it may, it never felt unimportant. The subjects have gotten less notable and profound however are as yet appropriate, and the composing style has been incredibly dulled by time, yet not to the point of being impervious. In the case of nothing else, it extended my psychological dictionary, and gave me another comprehension for why somebody could ever be constrained to attempt in so self agonizing an action as running a long distance race. I felt, at the novel’s determination, a rapture of help similar to that portrayed by sweat soaked marathon runners. Furthermore, I shed 20 pounds for sure.
Should We Legalize Marijuana Essays (2897 words) - Cannabis
Would it be advisable for us to Legalize Marijuana? Finally Naim Jones South Suburban Community College Creator Note This paper was set up for Sociology 101, Section 002, instructed by Professor Richardson. Unique As of now, we have brought back around old styles of design and music. Presently, as a greater amount of our age starts to enter the political world we are seeing an adjustment in strategies that have held firm for right around a century. All the more explicitly, we are seeing an adjustment in the disposition toward weed and whether it ought to be sanctioned. During the hour of illegalization of maryjane, the medication had an immeasurably contrary inclination related with it, which numerous individuals presently accept to be incorrect and out of line. Since individuals are progressively educated, increasingly associated and progressively vocal, the United States government ought to permit and even support more research of the threats and addictive nature of the medication which will certainly sanction clinical use and conceivably recreational use to be nefit the individuals and the economy incredibly. This paper will talk about numerous points relating to maryjane. It will start by clarifying the historical backdrop of pot in this nation. At that point it will talk about general assessment of maryjane and explanations behind that supposition. Next, it will dissipate bogus bits of gossip about the impacts of weed. It will at that point talk around a couple of burdens of cannabis. After it will counter those hindrances with a few favorable circumstances of maryjane. Next, it will talk about Colorado and Washington State's circumstance since authorizing maryjane recreationally. It will at that point illuminate the peruser regarding different states seeking after legitimization of maryjane in some degree. At long last , it will close with Arkansas' interpretation of weed and endeavors to get it passed restoratively. Cannabis is a plant that is developed in numerous spots thr oughout the world. It is a quickly developing plant that requires just eight to twelve weeks to develop. It gags out most different plants developed around it and has an impervious to everything except eight out of one hundred known irritations. Cannabis is developed for two fundamental reasons; for modern hemp and for weed. Mechanical hemp incorporates the seeds, stems, roots and every other piece of Cannabis aside from the dried leaves. It has more than 50,000 diverse item applications including: paper, materials, biodegradable plastics, development, wellbeing nourishment, and fuel. Weed is the dried leaves of Cannabis that contains high-l evels of THC and can be utilized for some clinical issues. THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), is the compound in pot that is additionally delivered normally inside the human cerebrum and controls the impact of joy, memory, thinking, focus, tactile and time observation, and facilitated d evelopment . With such an extensive rundown of adaptable uses comes numerous inquiries all originating from the greater inquiry, What would marijuana be able to accomplish for us?. The appropriate response will get clear by reacting to the accompanying inquiries: What is the historical backdrop of cannabis in America? How does the American general visibility pot? What are the cons of utilizing weed? Are there profits by utilizing pot? What has happened to states that have just legitimized pot? All through time the U.S. government has placed numerous approvals and uninformed convictions about pot in to the standard perspective on the American open. Circumstances are different and issues need settling, the sanctioning of maryjane is the response to something other than a couple of America's issues. What is the historical backdrop of pot in America? As right on time as the 1600's hemp has existed in America. In those days, pioneer ranchers had to develop hemp to send back to England to be utilized in rope, sails, and apparel. It was not until the late nineteenth century that maryjane got well known for its restorative employments. After the Mexican Revolution of 1910 the United States began to get its first surge of Hispanic workers. These settlers presented the chance of utilizing pot recreationally. Smoking pot truly started to take off in the years paving the way to the Great Depression. Because of this grievous planning, and the association with Hispanic workers' weed got a great deal of fault for the expanded joblessness and brutality in America. By 1931 twenty-nine states had made weed illicit and that lone expanded until America entered World War II in the 1941. Following the beginning of the war
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Unmarried couple - Free Essay Example
Parties whether married or unmarried may contribute to the purchase of a home for themselves, but subsequent events may give rise to a dispute when a relation break up as to the ownership of the property. The problem above is for us to advise Anne upon whether Brian has any claim to a beneficial interest in the family home and how large that share might be as Anne and Brian, who are unmarried put the legal estate of the house in Brianà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s name and no written declaration of trust for their oral agreement that they are joint tenants in equity. If Anne and Brian are married couple, then under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 the court has wide discretionary powers to order the distribution of the coupleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s property disregard who owns the property legally or equitably. English law does not presume à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“community of ownershipà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ of land even when two adults have lived together in a stable relationship for a long period of time. The solution for cohabitees who are neither married nor in a civil partnership to gain statutory protections would be to write down and legally agree how they intend to share the property, the principle stated in Pettit v Pettit. The express trusts of land are subject to additional formalities as prescribed in Section 53(1)(b) Law of Property Act 1925. The statutory prescription is that, in order for an express trust of land to be enforceable, the declaration of trust muts be evidenced in writing, which is signed by settlor. However, problem often raised as they do not make a written declaration of trust as the situation faced by Anne and Brian in the question. In absence of statutory protection under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 and express trust for Anne, the court is, therefore in effect, looking backwards at what Anne and Brian decided about the property and determine what the property interest would be for Anne under equity. Where the legal title to property has been conveyed in the name of one party only, and his partner wishes to claim a beneficial interest, the claimant is required to establish the existence of a common intention constructive trust. The presumptions of resulting trust and advancement will not be readily adopted in order to quantify the interests of the parties because such presumptions have outlived their usefulness in this context. Lord Diplock in Gissing v Gissing replaced the presumptions with à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“common intention constructive trustsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . The effect is that where the legal title is vested in the name of one party, where in this case, legal title is vested in name of Brian, the inference is that equity follows the law and Brian with the legal title is prima facies solely entitle to the equitable interest. If the party without the legal title, Anne wishes to claim an interest in the property, she bears the legal burden of proving that both parties had an intention to give Anne an interest in the property which was relied on to her detriment. The existence of a common intention may be express or implied by reference to the circumstances of each case. The court is required to interpret the surrounding facts with a view to ascertaining the intentions of the parties with regard to a share in the home. According to Lord Bridge in Lloyds Bank plc v Rossett, a case where the property has been registered in the name of one of the parties only, there are two types of common intention constructive trust, which Rosset 1 and Rosset 2 (express agreement plus detriment reliance OR substantial direct financial contribution to purchase). Lord Bridge explained Rosset 1 that to establishing a beneficial interest under a constructive trust is to establish that prior to the acquisition of the home (or exceptionally at some later date), the legal owner and the claimant reached à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“an express agreement, arrangement, or understandingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ to share the beneficial owners hip of the home. Provided that the arrangement was expressed in discussion between the parties, it does not matter that the terms were imprecise and that the partiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ recollection of the express agreement is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“imperfectà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . In addition to proving that there was an express agreement or arrangement, the claimant must also show that she acted to her à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“detrimentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ or significantly altered her position in reliance on the agreement. Rosset 2 is where no evidence of detrimental reliance upon an express agreement, arrangement, or understanding to share, the parties à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“common intentionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ to share must be inferred instead from their conduct. However, inferring a common intention from contributions to the purchase price, was criticized because it failed to take into account non-financial contributions, such as to the running of the home. This is different with the judgment in Gissing v Gissing th at contributions other than financial can create an interest in the home. In Stack v Dowden, Lady Hale said that there is undoubtedly an argument for saying, as did the Law Commission in Sharing Homes, A Discussion Paper, para 4.23, that the observations, which were strictly obiter dicta, of Lord Bridge of Harwich in Lloyds Bank plc v Rossett have set that hurdle rather too high in certain respects. The à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“common intentionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ in express trusts must be to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“share the homeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , not just to share their lives. Thus, the claimant in Thomas v Fuller-Brown carried out extensive building work on the defendantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s house and agreed that this was in return for her keeping him would not help to establish an interest in family home as there is no discussion of him having half share. Furthermore, the common intention between the parties must be à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“expressedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , as in Springette v DeFoe, Dillon LJ said that the it is not enough that the parties happened to be thinking on the same lines in her uncommunicated thoughts. Nevertheless, some criticisms received as this has not deterred the courts from interpreting express statements according to uncommunicated thoughts of the persons making them, sometimes in ways that seem entirely inconsistent with the actual words employed. In Grant v Edwards and Eves v Eves, the claimants established beneficial interest in the defendantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s lad even though the expressed understanding between the parties in each case was that the defendant had no intention of placing the claimantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s name on the legal title. In Grant v Edwards, the defendant explained that he did not want to place the claimantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s name on the title because it might prejudice matrimonial proceedings pending between the defendant and his wife. In Eves v Eves, the defendant explained that he would not be placing the claimantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ s name on the legal title as she was too young. In both cases, the courts held that the express à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“explanationsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ were, in reality, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“excusesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ and that they therefore constituted express evidence of an unspoken understanding between the parties that the claimant was entitled to a beneficial interest in the land. Simon Gardener has criticized this type of reasoning: If I give an excuse for rejecting an invitation to what I expect to be a dull party, it does not mean that I thereby agree to come: on the contrary, it means that I do not agree to come, but for one reason or another I find it hard to say outright. It could then be suggested that the fact that one party lies is explicit evidence that there is no intention to share the family home. Therefore, Anne able to establish her beneficial interest as there is expressed common intention that they orally agreed joint tenant in equity. Once an express common intention is foun d, the person seeking to establish the existence of a constructive trust must prove that she relied on that agreement to her detriment. The facts that that Anne had pay maintenance for their children, remains in the house and pays for all the outgoings and also undertakes extensive renovation and maintenance work on the house, paying for the materials and doing the manual work herself, whether or not these would amount to detrimental reliance? In Grant v Edwards, Browne-Wilkinson VC stated, following Fox LJ in Midland v Dobson, that mere common intention is not by itself enough, the claimant has also to prove that she has acted to her detriment in the reasonable belief by so acting she was acquiring a beneficial interest. There are two main barriers to proof of detrimental reliance. The first is to demonstrate that the claimant has suffered a detriment. On one view, the claimant who gives up a career to care for a home and children has been liberated from the need to work, has en joyed the delight of daily contact with her children, and has lived rent free for several years in a house that is legally owned by someone else. Browne-Wilkinson VC was alert to these obstacles in Grant v Edwards, when he held that setting up house together, having a baby and making payments to general housekeeping expenses may all be referable to the mutual love and affection of the parties and not specifically referable to the claimantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s belief that she has an interest in the house. However, their Lordships decided that Mrs Grant had acted to her detriment and granted her a half-share in house. Nourse LJ described detrimental reliance as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“conduct on which the woman could not reasonably be expected to embark unless she was to have an interest in the homeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . The second barrier the claimant will face, assuming a detriment has been established, is to prove that the detriment was suffered as a causal consequence of the express arrangemen t between the parties. As Browne-Wilkinson VC mentioned, referring to Eves v Eves, there has to be link between the common intention and the acts relied on as a detriment. Therefore, Anne may rely on both Rosset 1 and Rosset 2 to establish that she having beneficial interest over the family home property as Anne pays the whole cost of the house with money given by her father would be considered that it is direct financial contribution to purchase price under Rosset 2 regardless there is any common intention. Besides , Anna may also establish beneficial interest under Rosset 1 as Anne and Brian agree that they are joint tenants in equity amounted to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“common intentionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ and it is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“expressedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ by oral agreement. Further, two main barriers to proof of detrimental reliance mentioned by Nourse LJ also is not a problem for Anne as she doing manual work for the renovation of home. This may constitutes as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“conduct on w hich woman could not reasonably be expectedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ as manual work is something should expected done by man. As stated in Stack v Dowden, there is a two-stage procedure the courts approach the question, establishing a beneficial interest is stage one and stage two is to establish the size of that interest. Therefore, since we have already proved stage one that Anne has beneficial interest in the family home, the further we have to prove for stage two is to quantify the interest or shares in the property. The size of the shares is determined according to the terms of the express trust, if they ever created one as stated in Goodman v Gallant, this has been confirmed in Clough v Killey that when the parties expressly agree on beneficial shares, provided there is some detrimental reliance, that understanding will almost certainty be enforce by the courts. In the absence of any express trust, the question of quantification depends upon the facts of the case. If the non-legal owner has established some interest under a constructive trust by either of the Rosset types, but there is no evidence that the parties expressly agreed the size of their respective shares, it falls to the court to identify the shares that they probably intended, on the basis of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“a survey of the whole course of dealing between the parties relevant to their ownership and occupation of the propertyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , as stated in Midland Bank v Cooke. This can include such matters as labour, housework, childcare and so on. This, however received criticism as represents a departure from the inflexible approach laid down in Burns v Burns, in which May LJ held that the court was only entitled to take into account direct financial contributions. The fact that Anne and Brian orally agreed that they are joint tenant in equity, but it is only an agreement to share, but in unspecified proportions. In Oxley v Hiscock, Chadwick LJ stated that it must not be accepted that the ans wer is that each is entitled to the share which the court considers fair having regard to the whole course of dealing between them in relation to the property. This includes arrangements which they make from time to time in order to meet the outgoings, i.e. housekeeping, mortgage contributions, council tax and utilities, which have to be met if they are to occupy the property as a home. The court is simply imputing a common intention as to the partiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ respective shares on the basis of that which, in the light of all the material circumstances, including the acts and conduct of the parties after the acquisition is shown to be fair and reasonable. The main argument that Anne might makes is that Brian has totally no shares in the house as they make an oral agreement when Brian moves out of their house, that as he does not plan to pay any maintenance for their children, and renounces any claim that he might have to the beneficial ownership of the house. Therefore, t he issue here is whether or not the common intention can change over the time? Whether an initial common intention as regards the allocation of the beneficial interest can be considered to have changed over time was considered in Jones v Kernott. In this case, a couple had purchased a house which was conveyed into their joint names. They lived together for 8 years before separated. It was accepted that, at that time, they held the property beneficially in equal shares, there being insufficient evidence to rebut the presumption that their beneficial interests followed the legal title. The claimant continued to live in the house with their children, whilst the defendant had acquired alternative accommodation and made no further contribution towards the acquisition of the property. The claimant assumed sole responsibility for paying the mortgage, and for repairs and improvements of the property. The defendant severed the joint tenancy at the point when the claimant asserted that the ir beneficial interests were no longer equal. The Supreme Court held that, after their separation, the common intention of the parties had changed. Lady Hale and Lord Walker at para 5.1 stated that the starting point is that equity follows the law and they are joint tenants both in law and equity. The presumption can be displaced by showing (a) that the parties had a different common intention at the time when they acquired the home, or (b) that they later formed the common intention that their respective shares would change. Their common intention is to be deduced objectively from their conduct, and if it is not possible to ascertain by direct evidence or by inference what their actual intention was as to the shares in which they should own the property, the court will then considers the fair shares having regard to the whole course of dealing between them in relation to the property. However, Lady Hale also mentioned that each case will turn on its own facts, and financial contrib utions are relevant but there are many other factors which may enable the court to decide what shares were either intended or fair. Therefore, it is confirmed in Jones v Kernott case that the partiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ initial common intention as to the allocation of the beneficial interest had changed at the time Brian moves out and make an oral agreement renounces any claim that he might have to the beneficial ownership of the house. Even though the common intention had change when Brian made the oral agreement to give up the shares of the house, however there is another problem for court to consider whether the family home now belongs completely to Anne or some little shares still remains with Brian. In Stack v Dowden, Baroness Hale at para 69 stated that some of the factors to be taken into account, such as legal advice at the time of purchase, discussions between the couple, the reason they chose a joint tenancy, the reason they bought the house, who paid for the mortgage, se parate or joint finances, who paid household expenses, the characters and personalities of parties to show true intentions, extension or substantial improvement to the house. She also mentioned that an arithmetical calculation is not so important in deciding the shares of family home property. According to Baroness Hale in Stack v Dowden at para 69, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"in law, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“context is everythingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ and the domestic context is very different from the commercial worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. This is hard to square with recent decision in which courts have proceeded on the assumption that there is prima facie no substantial difference between domestic and business contexts when deciding fair shares under a constructive trust, e.g. Gallarotti v Sebastianelli, a case of two friends living together. If Anne able to show that she has the beneficial interest of the family home property, she needs to show further that the common intention had changed when Brian mov es out from the property and family home belongs completely to her. From my view, I think Anne able to argue and claims that she owned the whole shares of the property regardless any agreement made between Brian and her, as (i) she paid for the whole purchase price of the property, (ii) she remains in the house and pays for all the outgoings, including taking care of their three children, (iii) she also undertakes extensive renovation and maintenance work on the house, paying for the materials and doing the manual work herself that it should be done by man normally, (iv) no fact to show in question whether any contributions made by Brian before he leaves the home. Even if he did makes any contributions for their home, for his three children, we may still able to argue that he stayed in the house for 5 years, but left everything to Anne for 18 years and stop paying anything afterwards. It is unfair to Anne if Brian able to get any shares as he did not contributes any to the purchase price and he never contributes anything to the house, to their children in the period of 18 years he disappears. Despite the best efforts of the judges in the House of Lords and Supreme Court, there remains much uncertainty as to when the presumption that the beneficial interests should follow the legal interests will be rebutted. Although the presumption is to be rebutted in exceptional circumstances, such as in case of Stack v Dowden and Jones v Kernott. It is however, uncertain what makes a case exceptional and so allows the use of the holistic inquiry by reference to a myriad of factors, the significance of those factors being unclear. The sound of reforming the law became stronger after the case Pamela Curran v Brian Collins as the judge blasts à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"sexist lawsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ that left woman destitute after split from partner. Judge Sir Nicholas Wall said that women tended to lose out in most cases under the current system. Lord Justice Toulson also described the current law as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"unfairà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢, however, judge should follow the laws instead of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"sympathy of humanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. Therefore, although unmarried couples believe that they are protected by common law as if they were a wife or a husband should still record each partyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s intentions in a legally binding document at the outset. There are some attempts to reform the law, such as Lord Lesterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Cohabitation Bill, Law Commission Report (2008), Inheritance(Cohabitants) Bill been suggested in 2012 and the Cohabitation Rights Bill in 2013. Sir James Munby has also urged that reform is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"desperately neededà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. However, the parliament remain the law unchanged even after so many reforms and bills been suggested.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Hirschi About The Social Control Theory
â€Å"The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts and actions†, Charles Darwin. Social control theory definition Social control is a concept within the disciplines of the social science. Social control, within sociology, refers to the many ways in which our behavior, thoughts, and appearance are regulated by the norms, rules, laws, and social structures of society. Social control is a necessary component of social order, for society could not exist without it. Hirschi’s social control theory The Social Control Theory, originally known as The Social Bond Theory in 1969, was developed by Travis Hirschi. The central question of the theory asks why do people follow the law? The theory suggests that people engage in criminal activity when their bond to society has weakened. Hirschi states that â€Å"social control theory refers to a perspective which predicts that when social constraints on antisocial behavior are weakened or absent, delinquent behavior emerges.†Social disorganization theory points to broad social factors as the cause of deviance. A person is not born a criminal, but becomes one over time, often based on factors in his or her social environment. This deviance in his behanior is seen to result where feelings of disconnection from society predominate. Individuals who believe they are a part of society are less likely to commit crimes against it. Social bonds and restraints Hirschi identified four types of social bonds that connect people to society: Attachment measures our connections to others. People conform to society’s norms in order to gain approval (and prevent disapproval) from family, friends, and romantic partners when they are closely attached to people and worry about their opinion. Commitment refers to the investments we make in conforming to conventional behaviour. A well-respected local businesswoman who volunteers at her synagogue and is a member of the neighbourhood block organization has more to lose from committing a crime than a woman who does not have a career or ties to the community. Similarly, levels of involvement, or participation in socially legitimate activities, lessen a person’s likelihood of deviance. The final bond, belief, is an agreement on common values in society. If a person views social values as beliefs, he or she will conform to them. An environmentalist is more likely to pick up trash in a park because a clean environment is a social value to that person. Forms of Social control Social control tends to take one of two different forms: informal or formal. Informal social control refers to our conformity to the norms and values of the society, and adoption of a particular belief system, which we learn through the process of socialization. This form of social control is enforced by family, primary caregivers, peers, other authority figures like coaches and teachers, and by colleagues. Informal social control is enforced by rewards and sanctions. Reward often takes the form of praise or compliments, but also takes other common forms, like high marks on school work, promotions at work, and social popularity. Sanctions used to enforce informal social control from confused and disapproving looks, to conversations with family, peers, and authority figures, to social ostracization, among others. Formal social control is that which is produced and enforced by the state (government) and representatives of the state that enforce its laws like police, military, and other city, state, and federal agencies. Social control theory in criminology Unlike most criminology theories that purport to explain why people offend, control theory offers the justification for why people obey rules. Social control theories, however, focus primarily on external factors and the processes by which they become effective. Deviance and crime occur because of inadequate constraints. Crime and deviance are considered predictable behaviors that society has not curtailed. Explaining conformity, particularly the process by which people are socialized to obey the rules, is the essence of social control theory. Thus, social control theory focuses on how the absence of close relationships with conventional others can free individuals from social constraints, thereby allowing them to engage in delinquency. Why people commit crime? Many people have their own theories on what makes a criminal. Some of these theories are based on first hand knowledge or experience, some unfortunately may be based on racism or prejudice, and some on scientifically investigated studies. The causes of crime are complex. Most people today accept that poverty, parental neglect, low self-esteem, alcohol and drug abuse are all connected in explaining why people commit crimes. For example, it is much easier to steal money than to work for it. So in the eyes of control theorists, crime requires no special explanation: it is often the most expedient way to get what one wants. Some people are simply at greater risk of becoming offenders because of the circumstances into which they are born. Individualists tend to focus on individual weakness or lack of values as the reason why people commit crimes. Examining why people commit crime is very important in the ongoing debate of how crime should be handled and prevented. Any society must have harmony and order. Where there is no harmony or order the society actually does not exist because society is a harmonious organization of human relationships. The results of social control are not always beneficial to society or to the individual. Using the force to influence on individuals to correct the deviation in their behavior is not always a good option on solving the problem. It may cause mental disorders, psychosomatic illnesses and other disorders and, as the result, to increase the number of psychopaths and sociopaths in our society. One of the reasons that individuals comply with norm prescriptions and avoid counter-normative actions or attitudes is fear of social negative evaluation by others. In the worst cases, individuals tend to respond with the force or to resign completely to act in accordance to social norms. This type of behavior called â€Å"rebel†- one may be followed by crimes made on purpose as they could be performed as a form of disobedience in the future. However, social control is necessary to protect social interests and satisfy common needs. If social control is removed and every individual is left to behave freely society would be reduced to a state of lawlessness.
Monday, May 18, 2020
How to Conjugate the Verb Scrivere in Italian
Translated and used exactly like its English counterpart to write, the verb scrivere is a transitive irregular verb of the second conjugation. What makes it irregular is a quirky passato remoto and its irregular past participle, scritto. Derived from the Latin scribere, it gives the English language scribe, scriber, and scribing, which should help you remember what it means. Write Something Scrivere is a transitive verb that generally conjugates with avere as auxiliary in its compound tenses and has a direct object and sometimes indirect objects, too, For example, to write about something, on something, to someone, for someone: Scrivo articoli di politica per un quotidiano. I write articles about politics for a daily.Gli egiziani scrivevano sul papiro; noi scriviamo sul computer. The Egyptians wrote on papyrus; we write on computers.Amo scrivere poesie in francese su carta da scrivere a fiori. I love to write poems in French on writing paper with flowers.Marco mi scrive molte lettere sulle sue esperienze a Parigi. Marco writes me many letters about his experiences in Paris.Gli studenti scrivono tutto quello che dice il prof. The students write down everything the professor says. As in English, you also find scrivere di something, still used transitively: Il Ciatti scrive di politica. Ciatti writes about politics. So, if you want to ask someone what they write about generally, or what they are writing an essay about, you ask, Di che scrivi? or, Su che scrivi il tuo tema? Scrivere Reciprocal But scrivere can also be used in the form scriversi, with reciprocal meaning and what appears to be (but is not really) reflexive value, if you and someone write each other or if you write something to yourself, say, a note. In those cases it takes essere in its compound tenses (and has past participle agreement) but it still is transitive with a direct object as you are still writing something: Mi sono scritta un biglietto per ricordare lappuntamento. I wrote myself a note to remember the appointment.Io e Luigi ci siamo scritti tante lettere per molti anni. Luigi and I wrote each other many letters for many years. How Do You Spell It and What Does It Say? While you learn Italian, you will find particularly handy scriveres impersonal construction, Come si scrive?: Come si scrive il tuo cognome? How do you spell your last name?Come si scrive quella parola? How do you spell that word? And, finally, you will often find cà ¨/ci sono and cera/cerano in conjunction with scritto to say what something says or said: Che cà ¨ scritto nella lettera di Marco? Whats written in Marcos letter/what does Marcos letter say?Sul muro cerano scritte parole di protesta politica. On the wall were (written) words of political protest. Lets see how it conjugates. Indicativo Presente: Present Indicative In the presente the verb scrivere is entirely regular. Io scrivo Io scrivo tanti articoli. I write lots of articles. Tu scrivi Tu scrivi biglietti a tutti. You write notes to everyone. Lui/lei/Lei scrive Il poeta scrive poesie d'amore. The poet writes love poems. Noi scriviamo Noi scriviamo nel diario. We write in our diary. Voi scrivete Voi scrivete molti SMS. You write many text messages. Loro/Loro scrivono Gli studenti scrivono male in francese. The students write poorly in French. Indicativo Passato Prossimo: Present Perfect Indicative Passato prossimo with avere and the participio passato, scritto. Io ho scritto Io ho scritto tanti articoli. I wrote/have written many articles. Tu hai scritto Tu hai scritto biglietti a tutti. You wrote/have written notes to everyone. Lui/lei/Lei ha scritto Quest'anno il poeta ha scritto molte poesie d'amore. This year the poet wrote/has written many love poems. Noi abbiamo scritto Noi abbiamo scritto nel diario. We wrote/have written in our diary. Voi avete scritto Voi avete scritto molti SMS oggi. You wrote/have written a lot of texts today. Loro/Loro hanno scritto Gli studenti hanno scritto male in Francese questa settimana. The students wrote poorly in French this week. Indicativo Imperfetto: Imperfect Indicative Scrivere has a regular imperfetto. Io scrivevo Prima scrivevo molti articoli; adesso meno. Before, I wrote many articles; now, less. Tu scrivevi Ogni anno tu scrivevi biglietti di buone feste a tutti. Every year you used to write holiday cards to everyone. Lui/lei/Lei scriveva Il poeta scriveva una poesia d'amore ogni anno. The poet used to write a love poem every year. Noi scrivevamo Da bambine noi scrivevamo sempre nel diario. As little girls we wrote in our diary all the time. Voi scrivevate Alla scuola media scrivevate gli SMS sempre. In middle school you texted all the time. Loro/Loro scrivevano Con il vecchio prof gli studenti scrivevano male in francese. With the old teacher the students wrote poorly in French. Indicativo Passato Remoto: Indicative Remote Past Other than the past participle, the passato remoto is the only irregular tense of scrivere. Io scrissi Nel 1993 scrissi molti articoli. In 1993 I wrote many articles. Tu scrivesti Dopo la guerra scrivesti biglietti di buone feste a tutti. Right after the war, you wrote holiday cards to everyone. Lui/lei/Lei scrisse Durante la sua vita il poeta scrisse molte poesie d'amore. During his life the poet wrote many love poems. Noi scrivemmo Nel 1970 scrivemmo nel diario tutti i giorni. In 1970 we wrote in our diary every day. Voi scriveste Quando fu inventato il cellulare scriveste SMS a tutti. When the cell phone was invented you wrote texts to everyone. Loro/Loro scrissero I miei giovani studenti scrissero sempre male in francese. My young students always wrote poorly in French. Indicativo Trapassato Prossimo: Indicative Past Perfect The trapassato prossimo is a past tense that happened before something else also in the past. Made with the imperfect of the auxiliary and the past participle. Io avevo scritto Avevo scritto molti articoli ma sono andati perduti. I had written many articles but they were lost. Tu avevi scritto Tu avevi scritto biglietti a tutti ma non li hai spediti. You had written cards to everyone but you didn't mail them. Lui/lei/Lei aveva scritto Il poeta aveva scritto bellissime poesie d'amore ma le distrusse. The poet had written beautiful love poems but he destroyed them. Noi avevamo scritto Quando sono arrivati, avevamo già scritto nel diario e non ci poterono fermare. When they arrived, we had already written in our diary and they could not stop us. Voi avevate scritto Quando vi tolsero il cellulare avevate già scritto gli SMS. When they took your phone away, you had already written the texts. Loro/Loro avevano scritto Fino a quel punto gli studenti avevano scritto male in francese; poi la situazione cambià ². Until that point, the students had always written poorly in French. Then something changed. Indicativo Trapassato Remoto: Indicative Preterite Perfect Noted for its literary uses, the trapassato remoto is another compound tense, made with the passato remoto of the auxiliary and the past participle. It is used in subordinate constructions with the passato remoto and such terms as quando, dopo che, non appena che. It is for very old stories. Io ebbi scritto Quando ebbi scritto molti articoli, andai in pensione. After I had written many articles, I retired. Tu avesti scritto Appena avesti scritto i biglietti a tutti, partisti. As soon as you had written notes to everyone, you left. Lui/lei/Lei ebbe scritto Dopo che ebbe scritto la sua pià ¹ famosa poesia d'amore, il poeta morà ¬. After he had written his most famous love poem, the poet died. Noi avemmo scritto Dopo che avemmo scritto nel diario, lo nascondemmo. After we had written in our diary, we hit it. Voi aveste scritto Dopo che aveste scritto tutti quei SMS vi bocciarono. After you had written all those texts they flunked you. Loro/Loro ebbero scritto Dopo che ebbero scritto male in francese tutti quegli anni li bocciarono. After they had written poorly in French for all those years, they flunked them. Indicativo Futuro Semplice: Indicative Simple Future A regular futuro semplice. Io scriverà ² Nel corso della mia carriera scriverà ² molti articoli. In the course of my career I will write many articles. Tu scriverai A Natale scriverai biglietti a tutti. At Christmas you will write cards to everyone. Lei/lui/Lei scriverà Forse un giorno il poeta scriverà poesie d'amore. Maybe one day the poet will write love poems. Noi scriveremo Noi scriveremo sempre nel diario. We will always write in our diary. Voi scriverete Voi scriverete sempre gli SMS ai vostri amici, nonostante le regole. You will always send texts to your friends, no matter the rules. Loro/Loro scriveranno Gli studenti di quel prof scriveranno sempre male in francese. That teacher's students will always write poorly in French. Indicativo Futuro Anteriore: Indicative Future Perfect The futuro anteriore is made of the simple present of the auxiliary and scritto. It expresses action that will happen after something else will have happened. Io avrà ² scritto Quando avrà ² scritto molti articoli andrà ² in pensione. When I will have written many articles I will retire. Tu avrai scritto Sarai contenta quando avrai scritto biglietti a tutti. You will be happy once you will have written cards to everyone. Lui/lei/Lei avrà scritto Il poeta pubblicherà il suo libro quando avrà scritto il suo pià ¹ bel poema d'amore. The poet will publish his book when he will have written his most beautiful love poem. Noi avremo scritto Dopo che avremo scritto nel diario lo bruceremo. After we will have written in our diary, we will burn it. Voi avrete scritto Quando avrete scritto tutti gli SMS che volete vi bocceremo. When you will have written all the texts you want, we will flunk you. Loro/Loro avranno scritto Se gli studenti avranno scritto male in francese anche questa volta li boccerà ². If the students will have written poorly in French on this exam too, I will flunk them. Congiuntivo Presente: Present Subjunctive The presente congiuntivo of scrivere is regular. Che io scriva Il mio editore vuole che io scriva molti articoli. My editor wants me to write many articles. Che tu scriva Non à ¨ necessario che tu scriva biglietti a tutti. It is not necessary that you write cards to everyone. Che lui/lei/Lei scriva Spero che il poeta scriva bellissime poesie d'amore. I hope the poet writes beautiful love poems. Che noi scriviamo Dubito che oggi scriviamo nel diario. I doubt that today we will write in our diary. Che voi scriviate Voglio che non scriviate pià ¹ SMS in classe. I want you to not write texts in class anymore. Che loro/Loro scrivano Temo che gli studenti scrivano ancora male in francese. I fear that the students still write poorly in French. Congiuntivo Passato: Present Perfect Subjunctive Il congiuntivo passato is a compound tense, made of the present subjunctive of the auxiliary and the past participle. Che io abbia scritto Il mio editore à ¨ felice che io abbia scritto molti articoli. My editor is happy that I have written many articles. Che tu abbia scritto Non ne dubito che tu abbia scritto biglietti a tutti. I don't doubt that you have written cards to everyone. Che lui/lei/Lei abbia scritto Sebbene il poeta abbia scritto bellissime poesie d'amore, non le vuole pubblicare. Though the poet has written/wrote beautiful love poems, he does not wish to publish them. Che noi abbiamo scritto Temo che oggi non abbiamo scritto nel diario. I fear that today we have not written in our dairy. Che voi abbiate scritto Vi promuoviamo purchà ¨ non abbiate pià ¹ scritto SMS in classe. We will pass you as long as you have not written more texts in class. Che loro/Loro abbiano scritto Mi deprime che gli studenti abbiano scritto ancora male in francese. It depresses me that the students have written/wrote poorly in French again. Congiuntivo Imperfetto: Imperfect Subjunctive The congiuntivo imperfetto of scrivere is regular, and, as usual, used with a subordinate clause in the imperfetto. Che io scrivessi Il mio editore voleva che io scrivessi sempre molti articoli, ma ero stanca. My editor wanted me to write always more articles, but I was tired. Che tu scrivessi Non era necessario che tu scrivessi davvero biglietti a tutti. It was not necessary that you write cards to everyone. Che lui/lei/Lei scrivesse I lettori volevano che il poeta scrivesse sempre pià ¹ poesie d'amore. The readers wanted the poet to write more love poems. Che noi scrivessimo Mi dispiaceva che non scrivessimo pià ¹ nel diario. I was sorry that we didn't write in our diary anymore. Che voi scriveste Era importante che voi non scriveste pià ¹ SMS in classe. It was important that you stop writing texts in class. Che loro/Loro scrivessero Era un peccato che gli studenti scrivessero cosà ¬ male in francese. It was a pity that the students wrote to poorly in French. Congiuntivo Trapassato: Past Perfect Subjunctive The congiuntivo trapassato is a compound tense, made of the imperfect subjunctive of the auxiliary plus the past participle and can be accompanied in constructions with tenses ranging from the indicative imperfetto or passato prossimo to the conditional. Che io avessi scritto Anche se avessi scritto ancora pià ¹ articoli il mio editore non sarebbe stato contento. Even if I had written more articles my editor would not have been happy. Che tu avessi scritto Avevo immaginato che tu avessi scritto i biglietti a tutti. I had imagined that you had written cards to everyone. Che lui/lei/Lei avesse scritto Volevamo che il poeta avesse scritto ancora altre poesie d'amore; invece ha smesso. We wanted for the poet to have written more love poems; instead, he stopped. Che noi avessimo scritto La mamma ha pensato che avessimo scritto nel diario e percià ² avevamo fatto tardi. Mom thought we had written in our diary and therefore we were late. Che voi aveste scritto Vorrei che non aveste scritto gli SMS in classe. I wish that you have not written texts in class. Che loro/Loro avessero scritto Il professore temeva che gli studenti avessero scritto male in francese nel compito in classe. The professor feared that the students had written poorly in French on the test. Condizionale Presente: Present Conditional Il condizionale presente of scrivere is also regular. Io scriverei Io scriverei pià ¹ articoli se potessi. I would write more articles if I could. Tu scriveresti Tu scriveresti biglietti a tutti se avessi il tempo. You would write cards to everyone if you had the time. Lui/lei/Lei scriverebbe Il poeta scriverebbe poesie d'amore tutti i giorni se potesse. The poem would write love poems all day if he could. Noi scriveremmo Noi scriveremmo nel diario ogni mattina se non avessimo lezione. We would write in our diary in the morning if we didn't have lessons. Voi scrivereste Voi scrivereste SMS in classe se il prof non vi vedesse. You would write texts in class if the prof wouldn't see you. Loro/Loro scriverebbero Gli studenti scriverebbero male in francese se non avessero un tutore. The students would write poorly in French if they didn't have a tutor. Condizionale Passato: Perfect Conditional Il condizionale passato is formed with the present conditional of the auxiliary plus the past participle. Io avrei scritto Se non fossi partita avrei scritto altri articoli. If I had not left, I would have written more articles. Tu avresti scritto Se avessi avuto il tempo avresti scritto biglietti a tutti. If you had had the time you would have written cards to everyone. Lui/lei/Lei avrebbe scritto Il poeta avrebbe scritto altre poesie d'amore se non fosse morto. The poet would have written more love poems had he not died. Noi avremmo scritto Noi avremmo scritto nel diario se la mamma non ce lo avesse nascosto. We would have written in our diary had mom not hidden it. Voi avreste scritto Voi avreste scritto gli SMS in classe se non vi avessimo tolto il telefono. You would have written texts in class had we not taken your phone away. Loro/Loro avrebbero scritto Gli studenti avrebbero scritto male in francese se non avessero avuto un tutore. The students would have written poorly in French had they not had a tutor. Imperative: Imperative Tu scrivi Scrivimi una lettera! Write me a letter! Noi scriviamo Scriviamo un bel messaggio a Lucia. Let's write a nice message to Lucia. Voi scrivete Scrivete alla nonna! Write to your grandmother! Infinito Presente Passato: Present Past Infinitive Scrivere Scrivere un libro richiede molto lavoro. To write/writing a book requires a lot of work. Avere scritto 1. Aver scritto un libro à ¨ una bella soddisfazione.2. So di aver scritto l'assegno ma non lo trovo. 1. To have written/having written a book is a big satisfaction. 2. I know I wrote/I am sure to have written a check but I can't find it. Participio Presente Passato: Present Past Participle Both present and past participles can function as nouns and adjectives. Scrivente is used as the one writing. Scrivente Lo scrivente confessa di aver rapinato la banca. The one writing/the writer confesses to have robbed the bank. Scritto 1. Ha un bellissimo italiano scritto. 2. Gli studenti devono fare un esame scritto. 1. She has a beautiful written Italian. 2. The students must take a written exam. Gerundio Presente Passato: Present Past Gerund Scrivendo 1. Scrivendo, ho capito meglio i miei pensieri. 2. Gli studenti erano seduti in silenzio, scrivendo. 1. Writing, I better understood my thoughts. 2. The students were silently seated in class, writing. Avendo scritto Avendo scritto l'ultima parola, lo scrittore chiuse il quaderno e spense la luce. Having written the last word, the writer closed the notebook and turned off the light.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Child Observation Paper - 1294 Words
Child Observation Paper Jason Betts Pacific Oaks College November 12, 2012 The purpose of this paper is to discuss and review my observation of a 7 year old African American male who is being raised by his grandmother (45 year old Bi-racial female who has 9 children of her own; 7 of the children are still in the house). During my observation of â€Å"Jackson†, I focused on the following domains of child development: * Physical * Cognitive * Social * Emotional I applied Attachment theory throughout the observations, which were completed at his home, at the park, and at the grocery store. I was unable to observe Jackson at his school. Jackson is being raised by his grandmother because his mother is addicted to drugs,†¦show more content†¦Jackson appeared withdrawn, and was somewhat embarrassed before stating that he did not do well in school. Jackson knows that he can perform better in school. When the other children began to tease Jackson, he was ready to fight some of them. This is typical behavior for Jackson, and is also a pattern of disorganized attachment. Children with a disorganized pattern in infancy tend to show disturbed patterns of relationships, subsequently, their relationships with peers can often be characterized by a â€Å"fight or flight†pattern of alternate aggression and withdrawal. Jackson’s coping skills when upset, threatened, or embarrassed is fight, unless the person is physically bigg er than him. If this is the case, Jackson uses flight to cope, and seeks his grandmother for protection and comfort. On October 13, 2012, observation #3 was conducted at the grocery store and at a fast food restaurant between the hours of 3:00pm and 4:30pm. It was an over cast day, and present at the store and restaurant were 6 of the grandmother’s children (between the ages of 7-21), and Jackson’s mother. I concentrated on Jackson’s social, emotional, and physical development with the use of Attachment theory. Jackson’s mother arrived at the store, and met us inside. I was surprised to see Jackson’s mother, and so was Jackson. The mother and Jackson did not communicate with each other. The mother got upset at the store with the grandmother, and stated she was goingShow MoreRelatedChild Observation Paper1083 Words  | 5 PagesChild Observation Paper After observing a nine month old child for this Child Observation paper, the author of this paper has taken copious notes during the session. The purpose of this paper is recognizing the biological, cognitive and psychosocial development of the child. The author of this paper identified the background history of the child, the observation made and the development process of the child. BACKGROUND The child chosen for this child observation paper is a nine month old maleRead MoreChild Observation Paper1078 Words  | 5 PagesChild Observation Paper Barbara A. 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I focused a session and a half (or three hours) on observation of the social and emotional domain in child development. While the special services department does contain children with special needs (therefore, those who have not developed to their fullest capacity), it
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Existing Career Theories Do Not Account for Modern Career...
Existing career theories do not account for modern career path. Discuss two career theories with reference to both research and your own experience. This article aims to touch the broad, and ever developing discussion of post modern theories and their application today. The main focus will fall on Hollands theory of vocational personalities in work environment and the Edgar Scheines notion of career anchors and how both theories fit within the modern career paths. Holland has proposed six different vocational personality types. Any person resembles each of the six types to varying degree. HIs theory of occupational choice maintains that in choosing a career, people prefer jobs where they can be around others who are like†¦show more content†¦What is outlined above shows how far we went apart from the understanding of traditional careers. All those factors are making it harder for the traditional theories to find an accurate application today. As already mentioned existing career theories dealing with vocational personality and environment Holland (1976) and Scheine’s anchors (1978) have been well respected and very adequate for many years.Those theories were helping many people to form and succeed in their career paths. What Holland suggests in his theory is that persons and environments can be framed within six types (realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional). Individuals are searching for a certain environments that will allow them to implement the characteristics of their work personality and their behaviour is determined by an interaction between personality and environment. The occupation of a certain individual is based solely on the work environment and their personality type.(Swanson,2000) Holland theory is a perfect tool for young individuals to get information and orientation in the work world in a very interesting and engaging way. Also describes and gives knowledge of the different work environments. However Holland theory seems to demonstrate a few limitations. The theory fails toShow MoreRelatedExplain the Concept of Career in the Context of Career Development Perspective. Discuss Various Individuals and Organisational Strategies for Career Development4014 Words  | 17 PagesTRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 20TH BATCH TAKE HOME EXAMINATION QUESTION 1: Explain the Concept of Career in the Context of Career Development Perspective. Discuss Various Individuals and Organisational Strategies for Career Development Career development represents the entire sequence of activities and events related to an individual’s career (1). It involves managing ones career either within or between organizations (2). It also refers to the lifelong process of getting ready to choose, choosingRead MoreFunctions Responsibilities of Hr Admin Department of Rcl8779 Words  | 36 PagesChapter: 1 Introduction 1. 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Renaissance And Realism Of Arts Essay - 2282 Words
FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS, METHODS, MODES IN THE HUMANITIES Two arts periods: Renaissance and Realism of Arts Introduction Jacob Burckhardt was an Italian historian who had developed the notion of the Renaissance, which meant ‘Rebirth’. It united the Greco-Roman civilization during the ancient times marking the beginning of a completely new era between 1350C.E. and 1550C.E. The Renaissance resulted in the birth of modern society concerned with the revival of antiquity and exaggerated secularism without identifying the depth of religious sentiments. The Middle Ages as well as the Renaissance were considered as a different era demonstrating Classical European history that spread into Europe with passing time. The Middle Ages represented the darkened era of diplomacy. During the Middle Ages, barbarian tribes dominated Europe. The collapse of the 5th century Roman Empire resulted in the commencement of the Middle Ages referred to as the ‘Dark Age’. It was named so as it comprised of unending warfare and lack of urban life with hardly any emphasis on the Holy Roman Emperor. The Middl e Ages came before the Renaissance period reflecting the fall of the Romans and advent of the Europeans. (EARLY PERIODS OF LITERATURE, (1200 BCE -455 CE). The Middle Ages had a social idea focusing on the interest of the common man in Heaven, God, law, medicine and the saints. The evolution of the Renaissance resulted in a paradigm shift which forced individuals to consider their dailyShow MoreRelatedHumanism in European Renaisaance1013 Words  | 5 Pages The European Renaissance was a time of great change. The people of that time were beginning to take an interest in learning and also began to follow the idea of humanism. Humanism was a way of life where a person would reject most religious beliefs and focus on the here and now. One of the main things Humanist believed in was individual achievement. This gave many artists the opportunity to be known around Europe for his or her talent and not be criticized for being selfish. This is exactly whatRead MoreEssay on Michelangelo: The Gates of Paradise1737 Words  | 7 Pagesrenowned Renaissance painter and sculptor, called the doors â€Å"The Gates of Paradise,†a golden g ateway leading into the Heavens. The name stuck, but more so because of the significance of the doors’ location at The Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence, Italy, where during the Middle Ages, converts came yearly at the parade dedicated to St. John the Baptist, to be anointed and earn paradise; hence, the â€Å"paradise†in The Gates of Paradise (â€Å"Baptistery of San Giovanni†). Before naming the work of art thoughRead MoreRenaissance Art : A Rebirth Of Classical Learning And The Rediscovery Of Greece862 Words  | 4 PagesRenaissance Art The Renaissance art reflected a rebirth of classical learning and the rediscovery of Greece and Ancient Rome. 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Because these paintings were born in the periods when there was significant cultural and social changes, which influenced to their artistic style. The both paintings have nude female figures on the center of the paintings, but had received different criticism. Bronzinos Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time is one of the most famous works of art of BronzinoRead MoreThe Renaissance And The Baroque Period1501 Words  | 7 Pages Studying art throughout history shows how each time period built and reflected on the ones before it. While artists in some time periods create wildly different styles from the past, others reflect back on the styles and methods of the artists in times before them. The Renaissance is an excellent example of an era in which the art was a reflection of past methods, styles, and subject matter. We can see this through Michelangelo’s David. The Baroque period often had subjects similar to the RenaissanceRead MoreThe Beginning Of Renaissance Art1259 Words  | 6 PagesThe beginning of Renaissance art can be tracked all the way back to Italy in the late 13th and early 14th and 15th centuries. During this Renaissance period, Italian scholars and artists saw themselves as bringing back the ideals and achievements of Roman culture. Their art tried to capture the experience of the individual and the beauty and mystery of the natural world. The Italian Renaissance was considered a re birth of old values in art such as literature and philosophy. It was a period for theRead MoreDuring the late 14th century until about the 16th century, Italy and other European countries800 Words  | 4 Pages16th century, Italy and other European countries underwent a time of rebirth of the Ancient Greek and Roman classics. This era was known as the Renaissance. The citizens of Europe were surrounded by advancements in technology, music, and culture. However, one of the most prevalent changes that is still in affect today is the newly founded techniques in the arts. Artists began to think outside of the box, and they made some of the best paintings of their time. They used different methods than artistsRead MoreThe Renaissance in Art Essay957 Words  | 4 PagesRenaissance Art When the new upper class movement, Renaissance, occurred in Italy around the 14th century, a revival of the classical forms originally developed by the ancient Greeks and Romans, an intensified concern with secular life, and interest in humanism and assertion of the importance of the individual began. Thus, artists such as Mosaccio and Giotto depicted art that unlike the Middle Ages, showed emotions, feelings, and bright colors, thus demonstrating the deep concern for naturalism
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